My full-length manuscript has been shortlisted for the Waywiser Press Anthony Hecht Prize, the Conduit Minds on Fire Open Book Prize, the Akron Poetry Prize, and The Journal / Charles B. Wheeler Poetry Prize. A chapbook consisting of poems from this manuscript was named as one of three finalists for the Anhinga Press Rick Campbell Chapbook Award.

My poems have appeared or are forthcoming in the following journals:

Barren Magazine: “Apologia, America”

Barrow Street: “Transformer”

Crab Orchard Review: “Nocturne with Canals”

Crazyhorse: “Dinwiddie County Fair,” “Eight,” “Magda the Mule-Faced Girl” (“Eight” also appeared on Verse Daily)

Frontier Poetry: “Souvenir”

Green Mountains Review: “Seven Cases of Inertia,” “Visitation, Lake Cadillac”

Meridian: “In the Year of the Metal Pig”

Mid-American Review: “Autumnal, Kansas”

North American Review: “Eulogy, Scottsbluff,” “The Past,” “September, NorthStar Drive-In Theater,” “You Are Happily Married”

Palette Poetry: “About the Weather”

Poet Lore: “All Ye Faithful”

Prairie Schooner: “Strawberry Pickers, Nauvoo,” “Triticum Durum”

Quarterly West: “In This Kingdom”

River Styx: “Nocturne Approaching Bluefield, W.Va.”

Stand Magazine: “Grade Crossing,” “River-Spoon”

Sycamore Review: “Thanksgiving, 1986”

Taco Bell Quarterly: “How Can I Help You?”

The Arsonist: “Purgatorio, East Peoria”

The Massachusetts Review: “Twelve Questions and Two Stipulations: Found Poem”

The Yale Review: “Boy, 19, Requests Death by Drowning”

Verse: “Birds of Bonita Springs,” “Self-Landscape, Illinois River”